About Us

About Us


NetGreen.eu has been Incorporated in Estonia, mainly due to Brexit complications and an opportunity to change our Model to be more EU Inclusive. 2021 started with restructuring our Companies and Platforms to promote Engagement in the Area of Sustainability.


NetGreen.eu will be sponsoring this Platform Development, primarily testing the IT Resources and General Management Methodologies, and innovative Processes such as Blockchain Contracts. An importance of involving a wide spectrum of Stakeholders, undertaking key Roles in the Project Team makeup, will be critical for a Rapid Market Place Acceptance.


Once the Platform has been sufficiently Tested and Developed, we will be inviting other potential Project Makers to coordinate their own Project, under guidance of our previous Project Stakeholders and Learning Curves.


Then our founding idea 'To provide a Platform to empower the Main Stream to engage with the principals of a Sustainable Lifestyle', will have been complete.

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NetGreen.eu OÜ, Harju maakond, Tallinn, Kesklinna linnaosa, Järvevana tee 9, 11314 ESTONIA